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The HackMyVM Keys Walkthrough

The HackMyVM Keys Walkthrough

This is the HackMyVM Keys Walkthrough. Web Enumeration The webserver is hiding interesting files, it took a few different lists from seclists to find something good. What we do find is a file readme.php and that means we can investigate further. gobuster dir -r -u...
OSCP Prep: M87 Vulnhub Walkthrough

OSCP Prep: M87 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Preparing for the OSCP exam means you need to know the basics, but you also need the experience. There is perhaps no better way to test how prepared you are for the exam than by hacking web apps. In this walkthrough, we will cover one important skill to master, SQL...
The Hacker Kid Vulnhub Walkthrough

The Hacker Kid Vulnhub Walkthrough

This is the Hacker Kid Vulnhub walkthrough. Here’s what you will learn from this walkthrough. One thing you will learn is how to do binary analysis for Linux privilege escalation, but that is all I will give away. This is an excellent OSCP like box you can use...
Billu_Box 2 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Billu_Box 2 Vulnhub Walkthrough

This is the Billi Box 2 Vulnhub walkthrough. Here’s what you will learn from this walkthrough. One thing you will learn is how to do binary analysis for Linux privilege escalation, but that is all I will give away. This is an excellent OSCP like box you can use...
The HMS 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough

The HMS 1 Vulnhub Walkthrough

Exploiting vulnerable machines in a legal and safe environment is the only way to become an experienced ethical hacker. That is what this site is dedicated to, and so I present to you the HMS 1 vulnhub walkthrough, another of the vulnhub series here on the site. HMS 1...