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Go is a popular tool for offensive programming these days. The antivirus vendors are still catching up to it since it is still a niche tool for ethical hacking purposes. In this tutorial you will learn how to write a Go program to open a new Notepad process. You will first find an open Notepad process (I just opened up one manually) and specify the PID (process ID).

This is a simple program that will start a new Notepad process and fail if there are any errors. The point of this is to show how the command works once the program has been converted into shellcode using Donut and injected into another process using DonutTest.

package main

func main() {
        var cmd *exec.Cmd
        if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
                cmd = exec.Command("notepad")

        if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
                 panic(fmt.Sprintf("cmd.Run() failed with %s\n", err))
The next step is to build the program with the command: kali@kali:~/go/src/test$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags=”-s -w -H=windowsgui” main.go this will make sure that no popups show up on the target’s screen. Sneaky..

Use Donut For PIC Shellcode

Process-injectable-code (PIC) is shellcode that can be used to inject into a process. For Donut the default is x64 which will work for this test.

Use DonutTest To Inject Shellcode

Now you have shellcode, but as you may know, it can’t be used by itself. It has to be executed first. To do this you need to copy the base64 from the shellcode and enter it into DonutTest which can inject it into a process. I will inject into a Notepad process.

Copy the Base64 code using this command in PowerShell: [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes(“payload.bin”)) | clip and paste into the two lines shown below.

DonutTest is a simple C# shellcode injector to use in testing donut. The shellcode must be base64 encoded and copied in as a string.

Now build the project with an x64 configuration set. Don’t forget this part! It won’t work without it.

Inject The Go Shellcode

The next step is to open a Notepad process (just open a Notepad) and then use DonutTest to inject into it. First you need the PID, so use tasklist. This command is easy enough to use tasklist | findstr “notepad”.

There should be a new Notepad process, this is the one you just injected the Go program’s shellcode into.

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